Robbie Tackles “Chicken With Spinach!” The “Cookbook Confidential” Series Cooks Classic Indian Cuisine!

I took part in Bernadette’s latest “Cookbook Confidential” effort – to cook a recipe from the legendary Indian Chef and Cookbook Author Madhur Jaffrey:

One of my favorite bloggers and Authors, Robbie Cheadle, who because of availability chose a different Madhur cookbook, but the result looks delicious!

Click here to see the recipe for “Chicken with Spinach” she made and her review!

Bernadette launched this latest review series last week and here is the first recipe reviewed:

Check out this review for a Tomato Tamarind Chutney:

My recipe and review were published the other day, and included this bit of fun cooking:

Someone called it a “Scotch Egg” and it technically was but so much more as well…click here for my “Nargisi Kofta” recipe and review!

Here’s another post in the series – a twofer!

Click here for recipes and review for both Cumin Mushrooms and Dal soup!

My blogging friend, Author Darlene Foster, also shared a recipe and review:

Click here to see the recipe for Cauliflower Potato Curry:

Thanks again to Bernadette for her tireless work making this fun series possible…check out all of her great posts on her website here:

If you enjoy these posts, why not subscribe and never miss out? It’s easy, and there are NO ads of any kind, just food adventures!

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Thanks to Bernadette for overseeing the cookbook review series – if you like it please share on social media!

Categories: Bite Eat Swallow, Bite! Eat! Repeat!, Books / Media, Chef memoirs, Cookbooks, Eat This!, Food, Food Pictures, Recipes, Wacky Food, World's Wildest Food

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3 replies

  1. Thanks for sharing, John. A really fun challenge.


  1. Carol Cooks Curry! Here’s A Terrific “Hunglay” Curry Recipe! – Bite! Eat! Repeat!

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