A Unique “Spaghetti all’Assassina” Recipe! Chef Mimi Makes “One Pot Pasta!”

Who Wants “One Pot Pasta?”

I do! I love pasta, and love trying different ways to prepare it….recently ,Chef Mimi shared this story of her Italian cooking friend Frank, whose blog is Memorie di Angelina, published a recipe on spaghetti all’assassina.

She was so intrigued with this unique pasta recipe that she couldn’t wait to make it!

Why this pasta is unique is that the spaghetti is cooked in the sauce in a skillet on the stove. It isn’t boiled first. A large cast-iron skillet is recommended; a non-stick pan will not create the charred saucy bits. Ideally you want the pasta to fit in the base of the skillet.

When you don’t cook the pasta in boiling water, it cooks by absorbing all of the liquid used in the recipe, giving the pasta a full, rich flavor!

I love the idea of this and was so glad that Chef Mimi shared it!

See the entire recipe here:

I made a “one-pan crispy spaghetti chicken recipe once, as part of my “52 In 22” cooking challenge:

Check out the entire recipe here:

I have had a great time making pasta dishes – like this traditional “Italian Gravy”, the first time I’ve ever made it – thanks to “The Sopranos!”

Not only “gravy” but “Gangsters” too!

See this traditional Italian family recipe by clicking on my story here:

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Categories: 52 In 22!, Bite Eat Swallow, Bite! Eat! Repeat!, Chef memoirs, Cookbooks, Eat This!, Food, Food Writing, Recipes, Wacky Food, World's Wildest Food

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7 replies

  1. Hi John. A great recipe 👍🏻. It’s the same concept as making risotto or paella.

  2. We have a friend called Jo who has always cooked her pasta in the sauce. She says it is to be able to just use one pan. I still boil mine separately, as I find it easier to judge that it is ‘al-dente’.

    Best wishes, Pete.

  3. Thanks!!! I hope you try this – it’s so much better than I thought it would be!

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