Here’s A “Grilled Lamb With Peas And Mint” Recipe! Cooking French – Literally!

Who’s Ready To Go To Paris?

Well, that’s where I ate Chef Greg Marchand’s incredible lamb dish – at his restaurant Frenchie’s, and my wife and I are headed back in July – so here’s the recipe for this incredible dish!

I worked from his cookbook – Frenchie At Home by Chef Greg Marchand!

Alex and I met the Chef when we ate there in Paris a few years ago, and he gave me a signed cookbook…I was excited to cook from it….well, until I realized on thing:

Yes, a French Chef released a French Cookbook – who knew?

Alex jumped right in an did a translation app on her phone so that I could tackle the dish!

Frenchie’s Grilled Lamb With Peas And Mint Chutney!

This is a delicious and easy dish to make.

Here are the ingredients you will need for this recipe:

4 pieces boneless lamb leg or loin

8 tiny new potatoes

1 pound sweet peas

2 mangos

1 bunch mint

1/2 tsp cumin

1/2 bunch cilantro

butter – 3-4 tbl melted for two separate uses listed in the recipe

lemon for zesting

1 rosemary sprig

4 garlic cloves minced

olive oil

black pepper

Let’s get cooking!

Prep Your Lamb!

This quick marinate will pack the lamb with extra flavor!

Combine the rosemary, garlic, lemon zest, pepper and olive oil in a baking dish. Add the lamb, turning to coat the meat – also rub it in a bit. It will look like this:

Cover and let marinate ideally for 4 hours in the refrigerator, but any amount of time will help take the lamb to a new level!

Time To Make Mint Chutney!

This is something I don’t make often, and every time I eat it I wonder why!

It’s fast and easy and really delicious – you can use any stone fruit!

Peel and pit the mango and cut the flesh into 1/2 inch dice.

Remove the stems from the mint and cilantro and combine all of it with the cumin in a blender until finely chopped, then drizzle in about 3 tbl. of olive oil. 

When you like the consistency, add a bit of salt, place a fresh mint leaf on top and refrigerate!

Next, here’s something to quickly knock out next: peel your new potatoes and boil them in slated water until soft but not mushy…drain and set aside – you will warm them in a small pan with melted butter at the end before serving and that makes then glisten with goodness!

Sweet Pea Time!

This one has a bit of added entertainment for you: put your fresh sweet peas in salted water and boil them for about 3 minutes…and to make it more musically enjoyable, here is a clip of the peas boiling away, accompanied by the band YES and their classic song “Leave It”:

Put the peas in a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking and help retain the color…set aside a dozen of the cooked peas as garnish, then blend the rest with a touch of melted butter and salt and it’s ready to go!

Finally, it’s time to make the lamb. Bring it out up to an hour before cooking, then heat your outdoor grill:

Add some salt and pepper to each side and put them on your hot grill for about 5 minutes per side…here’s how I did:

5 minutes on each side worked for me…I removed the lamb from the grill, let it sit for a few minutes before I thinly sliced it against the grain.

Now is also the time to warm your potatoes with a little melted butter and salt as well…they will glisten!

Now. let’s compile the dish!

The shiny buttered potatoes are in the middle, the sliced lamb resting against them, and the peas arranged around them with the extra whole peas scattered about…put a mint leaf on top and then it was time to drizzle the mint chutney on top!


That’s French for “looks pretty tasty!”

And it was!

Keep the chutney close – it’s delicious and we added more throughout the meal – and the lamb was perfectly medium-rare…so much flavor with the minced garlic and lemon zest!

This was really delicious, and easy to make – another favorite dish from France, by way of Anthony Bourdain, also has a great look on the plate:

The late Chef’s “Bacon-Wrapped Pork Tenderloin” was the 5th recipe in my “52 In 22” cooking challenge I took on in 2022, and you can see it all by clicking here:

Here’s another dish I love to make as well:

This “pulled pork pasta in almond cream sauce” was from a show I created and produced – and I love making it for that reason and because it’s delicious as well!

Click here for the recipe:

Working in entertainment, I’ve been lucky to eat at Hollywood’s oldest restaurant, the iconic Musso & Frank:

Their cookbook includes a classic stuffed celery and a fascinating Hollywood story behind their Carbonara recipe as well – click here for both!

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Categories: 52 In 22!, Bite Eat Swallow, Bite! Eat! Repeat!, Chef memoirs, Cookbooks, Eat This!, Fine Dining, Food, Food Travel, Recipes, Restaurants, Wacky Food, World's Wildest Food

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7 replies

  1. Hi John, this looks very delicious. The French certainly can cook.

  2. That looks so good. I love lamb! I bought a cookbook in France as well, and felt like such an idiot when I opened it up to use!!!

  3. looks delish! have fun at the olympics and I hope you’ll review some food from the olympic village or as close as you can get

  4. We love lamb, and the recipe looks good. But on your completed dish, the meat is too rare for me. I would cook it a bit longer for my taste.

    Best wishes, Pete.

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