Who Wants A Boozy Bermuda Fish Chowder? This Recipe Has Sherry Pepper Sauce And Rum!

A Traditional Bermuda Fish Chowder!

My wife Alex and I went to Bermuda several times, and we love the island, especially their use of “conch” AKA “scungilli” – which I have cooked with many times, and their incredible Bermuda Fish Chowder recipe!

I bought this cookbook when we were there, and I love this recipe because it utilizes Outerbridge’s Original Sherry Peppers Sauce – and Rum!

I have shared this before, but made it again and it’s always a winner.

Here are the ingredients for “Bermuda Fish Chowder!”

The recipe follows, but first, I decided to reiterate why I love this recipe so much:

Now that we have my love of the ingredients known, here something else to know.

The recipe calls for 5 pounds of fish – here’s where they ask you to remember the golden rule: “GIGO!” That’s means “garbage in, garbage out.” So use good fish! Snapper, halibut, sea bass, tilapia – as much as you want for a meaty delicious soup!

3-1/2 quarts water

2 cups chopped onions

1 cup chopped celeery

1 cup diced carrots

clove, allspice, thyme,currypowder

3 cups diced potatoes

1/2 cup butter

28 oz. whole chopped tomatoes

12 oz. beef broth

salt, pepper and garlic to taste

2 oz. Rum

Outerbridge’s Original Sherry Peppers sauce

Saute all vegetables for ten minutes in butter. As some of you know, I like to “jazz” up my recipes, so I added some frozen roasted corn to the recipe:

I added the diced potatoes for a few minutes, then it was time for the tomatoes:

Add tomatoes and simmer 5 more minutes.

Add all of the remaining ingredients except the sherry peppers and rum – and have a nice drink with the rum I you like – and ease those fish filets into the rich sauce…

Bring to a gentle boil and simmer for a half hour….have another drink if you like – seriously – I’ll explain:

then, the fun part – add your Sherry Peppers and your rum into the mix and let it simmer for a half hour more…

The recipe says you can refrigerate this for a day or two and the flavors will really come together – but I’m hungry now, so with a bit of parsley on top, here is the finished dish – with a cameo from Elvis Presley!

This is a terrific fish chowder! I love the pop of sherry pepper flavor, and of course the smoothness of the rum – and all of the vegetables and fish make it a healthy meal as well!

Growing up in Seattle, I ate a lot of seafood, and I enjoy cooking with it as well, as you can see here with these fish tacos:

These are also delicious and easy, and you can see the entire recipe by clicking on my story here:

Speaking of healthy, I also mad a terrific Turkey Chili thanks to Weight Watchers!

One unique ingredient really makes the difference – click here for the entire recipe!

I also like to try food from around the world, which is how I make Vietnamese pancakes!

Click here for the recipe!

Speaking of cooking around the world, remember when I made a Macau Meatloaf with a bacon wrap?

This is a delicious treat that presents well – here’s the recipe!

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Categories: Alcohol And Bars, Bite Eat Swallow, Bite! Eat! Repeat!, Cookbooks, Eat This!, Food, Food Pictures, Food Travel, Recipes, Travel, Wacky Food, World's Wildest Food

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8 replies

  1. One has to serve Outerbridges with a traditional, or not, Bermuda fish chowder! The rum is the extra delight.

  2. Sounds dishonest and I’ve never been to Bermuda?

  3. It looks delicious. I often bring home a recipe book when I travel as well.

  4. That sounds very tasty and also looks great in the bowl. Good call, John.

    Best wishes, Pete.

  5. HI John, this sounds very good. I usually use chicken stock with fish. I see this recipe calls for beef stock. It makes it less overpoweringly fishy if you don’t use fish stock.

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