Do You Want “Chocolate For Breakfast?” Here Are Baked Eggs And Chocolate Taco Recipes!

A Strawberry-Stuffed Chocolate Taco!

Well, let’s just say it: this is a match made in culinary heaven!

a delicious recipe from the heart of Napa Valley wine country, thanks to my good friend Barbara Passino!

Barbara Passino owned one of the most romantic Inns in Napa Valley, and she also published this great cookbook that celebrates chocolate any time of day!

Time to make one of her most iconic breakfasts!

Baked Eggs With Chocolate Tacos!

Yes, this is a delicious way to begin a day!

First, we will make our Chocolate Tacos:

Here are the ingredients:

1/2 cup flour

1/2 cup sugar

3 tbl. cocoa powder

2 egg whites

1/4 cup vegetable oil

1/3 cup skim milk

1-1/2 tsp. vanilla

1/4 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp cayenne pepper

1/8 tsp. cinnamon

Combine the ingredients, and don’t forget to set aside those two egg yolks for later…

These will be added to the baked eggs…now, mix all of the ingredients together until you have. smooth batter…

After blending for about two minutes….pour into a container and set aside to use later.

Now, let’s make some Baked Eggs!

Time To Bake Some Eggs!

The Chocolate Taco will be made in a moment, but now, it’s time to get the baked eggs in the oven!

Here are ingredients:

butter for greasing your ramekins

1 tbl. cream

2 eggs

pinch of thyme, oregano, paprika

4 tbl. grated cheese: parmesan, cheddar

sausage or chicken sausage if you want to take this up a notch

First, turn on your oven to 375 degrees, then rub some butter inside your baking dishes and add a splash of heavy cream, then I chopped up chicken sausage and put some on the bottom of both ramekins as well:

This is totally your choice…you can also add spinach here as well…basically, there are endless variation on what to add to this dish!

Crack an egg in each – and then take those extra yolks and add one to each dish as well…

Sprinkle some parmesan cheese on each – then add thyme and park as well…

Time For A “Water Bath!”

This is called a “Bain Marie”; put the ramekins in an oven-ready dish and fill it half full of warm water, which creates a water bath for the eggs to cook in…then put it in the oven for 20-25 minutes and they are done!

While the Eggs bake in the oven, chop your Strawberries next to a rolling pin and let’s make our Chocolate Tacos!

Pour a quarter cup of the batter into a medium hot pan and swirl it around to create a six inch circle…

After cooking until the edges begin to look dry – only 2-3 minutes, loosen the edges with a spatula and flip it over for a minute…here’s how it went, oh and I am sharing this even though I look like a bit of an idiot:

Now is the fun part, making a Chocolate Taco using a rolling pin!

This was the best “cheat” I learned: the Chocolate Taco cools in the rounded shape of the bat, making it easy to hold the Strawberries!

The baked eggs come out of the oven looking delicious…Barbara gives them a minute under the broiler to make them crispy on top, and then it’s time to dig in!

These are so easy to make, and now it’s just a matter of stuffing the Chocolate Taco, and plating the two dishes to serve:

This isn’t a hard dish to make at all, but it does present well, and it’s a fun dish for Valentine’s Day, birthday celebrations, or just a nice weekend to say “I love you!”

Thanks to Barbara for her incredible cookbook, which you can buy on Amazon…it’s filled with delicious ways to incorporate Chocolate into your life!

I love baked eggs, but this isn’t the only cool egg dish I’ve made:

These are “potato chip eggs”, and while they were incredible, I had to make them twice!

Click here to get the recipe and see why it took me two attempts to get it right:

I’ve had a blast making dishes from a variety of cookbooks, including one I was involved with!

I produced a PBS show called “Cooking Under Fire”, and this incredible “Pulled Pork Pasta With Almond Cream Sauce” dish was included!

You can see how this all came together by clicking on my story here:

And Cookbook Author Michael Ruhlamn was one of my judges for the show, and I cooked from his amazing “Egg” cookbook as well:

This dish came out looking beautiful, what wait until you see what happened as I made it!

Click here for the recipe!

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Categories: 52 In 22!, Bite Eat Swallow, Bite! Eat! Repeat!, Chef memoirs, Cookbooks, Eat This!, Fine Dining, Food, Food Pictures, Food Writing, Recipes, Wacky Food, World's Wildest Food

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5 replies

  1. Chocolate tacos! What a great idea. In Spain, we eat chocolate for breakfast.

  2. I could eat that even for breakfast it looks delicious, John 🙂

  3. Great breakfast, John. Sign me up!

    Best wishes, Pete.

  4. Maya (granddaughter) will love this. The cover of the cookbook is great.

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