Tackling A Massive “J.G. Melon” Bacon Cheeseburger! Is It New York’s Best Burger? Here’s My Review!

Do I Flip Over J.G. Melon?

First, while it may sound like a New York stock firm on Wall Street, “J. G. Melon” is actually an acclaimed restaurant on the city’s upper east side that specializes in burgers!

Here’s what their website says:

J. G. Melon, open since 1972, known for its famously juicy hamburgers, cottage fries, and bloody marys, developed a following from day one.

As you can see, the building is unique to say the least – exactly how they want it!

They go on to note:

With our Melon decor, green and white table cloths, old-time jukebox, and outdoor cafe, we are committed to the J. G. Melon tradition… Providing our customers with the quintessential New York City burger experience.

So is it “the quintessential NYC burger experience”? Let’s go inside to see!

I arrived just before it opened at 11:30a, so it looks deserted – but by the time I left 45 minutes later it was packed…there are tables as well as a counter at the bar where I sat, across from the kitchen.

The menu sits on a massive chalkboard right inside the door. Special note: it’s “cash only”, and they make you sure understand this before they seat you.

I got the bacon cheeseburger and a side of “cottage fried potatoes” – and watched as a massive meatball was placed on the grill:

I asked for all the toppings, so when it arrived there was plenty of lettuce, tomato, sliced red onion and pickle chips alongside…

First note: look at the juice oozing from the burger – I asked for medium rare and they did not disappoint…as for the bacon? That’s it to the top right of the meat – and here’s a closer look at it:

Impressive, right?

Now all I had to do was brings the two sides together… and when I did, this is what faced me:

Need a closer look?

Yes, you do…marvel at the layers – all clearly defined!

“But How Do You Eat It?”

I expected that question, because that was mine as well: this burger is massive, and I wasn’t sure if it was possible to pick it up, hold all of the ingredients in, and find a way to bite into all of it…I tried however, and here’s how it looked:

As you can see, I got the bottom bun and the cheesy meat, but only the slightest bit of tomato made it in and the red onions were untouched! I wisely set it back down and used a knife and fork to cut it into pieces more suitable for consumption…is that a knock against it? Can a burger be “too big?”

Well, I don’t think so, because it was truly delicious: with full, rich beef flavor, perfectly melted American cheese and very fresh toppings: crisp lettuce, juicy tomato, tart pickle and red onion…it was a great bite!

Also, note the perfect medium rare on the burger, and the completely melted cheese, which clings nicely to the meat on every bite.

I also enjoyed the cottage fries, kind of a “French fry meets sliced potato with wrinkles”:

At $15, it’s not cheap, but it’s a completely filling meal, and the distinct flavors of the burger are given a chance to shine with no sauce that can sometimes overwhelm the flavor of a great burger…for me this was a big hit!

It’s all part of my journey though some of the most acclaimed burgers in the Big Apple:

The “Black Label” burger at Minetta Tavern is also acclaimed, so I had to try it as well! Here’s my review:

Not all great burgers need a sit-down reservation – some of the best in New York are literally “grab and go”:

A great Burger lover had shared a picture of 7th Street Burgers and so I had to try one – and you can see my review by clicking on my story here:

Most recently, an acclaimed Hamburger Historian opened his own place in New York’s lower west side – so I popped in and had him make me one of his famous grilled onion burgers – take a look:

The wildly popular “Hamburger America” is packed every day – but for good reason?

Read my review!

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Categories: Alcohol And Bars, Bacon, Bite Eat Swallow, Bite! Eat! Repeat!, Burgers, Cheeseburgers, Eat This!, Fast Food, Food, Food Pictures, Food Porn, Food Travel, Recipes, Restaurants, Travel, Wacky Food, World's Wildest Food

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8 replies

  1. a great stop on your burger journey, John. this one looks huge but delicious


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