Who Wants Some “Garlic Coke?” Is It Real? Here’s Your Answer!

Sip On Some “Garlic Coke” – Wait – “What!?!?!?!?!”

Here is why the internet is such a great place to live: everyday, someone sends me a photo, or a video, of something wild and wacky – and it happened again when my friend Ben sent me the photo of “Garlic Coke.”

So of course, I had to investigate, so let’s head to Japan!

Welcome To Japan’s Garlic Capital!

Time to drop in on Aomori, the garlic capital of Japan! 

The town has proudly created all sorts of delicious garlic products, like garlic ice cream and garlic beer!

So when this picture showed up, I had to know if it was true – and guess what? Kinda!

I discovered that a Coke mixed with some finely ground garlic was in fact produced in the town. Additional searching helped me find this picture of the garlic coke for sale…

As you can “kinda” see, the bottles don’t have the signature “Coke” logo, and in fact, the “Garlic Coke” shot is not actually real…

That said, the real “garlic coke” bottles I shared WERE REAL – so the product did exist, but most of the coverage was several years old, so if anyone is heading to Aomori soon, let me know if it’s still for sale!

And remember the last time I shared a unique flavor of Coke?

That’s right, remember the “Crab Cola?” It IS real, and you can read about it here:

Let me know your appetite for “Garlic Coke!”

If not that, perhaps one of these?

Would you pop the tp on a bottle of “peanut butter & jelly” soda?

See some of the world’s wackiest beverages here:

If wacky flavors are not your thing, what about having a beverage IN your food?

Yes, it’s a burger with a shot of bacon bourbon embedded in the middle – check it out here!

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Let me know if you try “unique” drinks like this – and if you enjoyed this story please share on social media – thanks!

Categories: Alcohol And Bars, Bite Eat Swallow, Bite! Eat! Repeat!, Food, Food Porn, Recipes, Wacky Food, World's Wildest Food

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8 replies

  1. I love garlic and don’t mind Coke although I rarely drink it but coke infused with garlic not sure but as always a quirky post with some interesting combinations for drinks 🙂

  2. ohhhh dear. How the hell do you find these foods?!! All horrible to me. I’m like you – I don’t drink soda either, so that doesn’t help my lack of appeal!

  3. That might be the worst possible version of coke I’ve ever heard of!

  4. John, you love garlic so much I am surprised you haven’t gone to live in that town claiming to be the ‘Garlic Capital’! I don’t think I would rush to try garlic cola, but if I was there, maybe.

    Best wishes, Pete.

    • Pete, Gilroy is the garlic capital of the US…just south of San Francisco..we stop there sometimes if we drive up…garlic everything, including garlic white wine which I tried and it’s kinda exactly what you think it is going to be! Hope you have a great few days ahead

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