Here Is A Wild “1,006 Slices Of Cheese” Burger! SoraNews24 Has A Delicious Tower Of Redemption!

A Wild Stacked Cheeseburger Story!

Yes, has done it again – thanks to their hilariously passionate Reporter Mr. Sato!

As the website reports:

Back in 2012, our reporter Mr Sato took the Internet by storm when he attempted to devour a Whopper containing 1,000 slices that he specially ordered from Burger King.

Recently, the Reporter found his picture with the burger being used in a book published in France – without his permission!

So what did Mr. Sato do?

Well, you know: he decided to do it again and break his own record!

11 years ago, I shared this photo of Mr. Sato staring at his creation – the difference is that I gave all credit to him and linked to the original story…that French book did not, so it was back to building the perfect cheeseburger!

As SoraNews24 reports, financial considerations led to a different approach this time!

These days, an extra slice of cheese at Burger King costs 50 yen (US$0.34) so 1,000 slices would cost 50,000 yen (US$340), which is way more than we can afford in the current financial climate, so he’d purchased cheese from three different retailers to save money.

And that is the setup that leads ultimately to this:

Yes, Mr. Sato and his helper first have to measure out the 1,000 slices – no small feat! goes on to report:

“As for weight, this collection of cheese weighed in at 14,483 grams (511 ounces), or approximately 1.45 kilos. It had already been an effort to procure the cheese and carry it all in, but now it was time for the biggest challenge of all — stacking 1,005 slices of cheese into the burger.

1,005 slices of his added cheese, plus the one already inside the burger, amounts to 1,006 slices, a goal that would beat a number of his past food challenges!

Now, their story shows what it took to make this happen, plus video! I will not spoil it for you, so please click on their story to see it for yourself!

Let’s look back once again to Mr. Sato’s original pilfered photo:

You must follow because all of their Reporters deliver terrific stories like this one:

Yes, they ddi the same thing when they ordered 1,000 slices of grilled onion!

Now that’s a grilled onion burger!

Click here to see all of the wild stacked burgers!

I have shared so many of the SoraNews24 food stories, like this one:

Yes, I actually got excited to see that Cup Noodles was releasing a breakfast version!

By the way, while in the US we call them “Cup Of Noodles”, their original name is “Cup Noodles!”

See that story here:

I love and you should go check them out here!

As for ramen…remember the Ramen Bun Burger I had?


See how they make it and why it’s so good here:

And remember, Cup Noodles has a museum in Japan as well!

Click here to see what’s on display!

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Also, if you enjoy this story please share with your friends on social media!

Categories: Bite Eat Swallow, Bite! Eat! Repeat!, Books / Media, Burgers, Cheeseburgers, Eat This!, Fast Food, Food, Food Pictures, Food Porn, Food Writing, Restaurants, Sliders, Travel, Wacky Food, World's Wildest Food

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5 replies

    • This website is inspired: they cover all sorts of food and pop culture news in Asia, and Mr. Sato in particular loves to have fun with restaurant specials…when they originally offered 3 extra slices of cheese for a small fee, he took that idea and super-sized it for a fun story! Thanks for commenting!

  1. not sure i could do it….)

  2. More crazy stuff from Japan. I just hope he didn’t eat it all. Imagine how much saturated fat was in the cheese! 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.


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