Here Is Beautiful Tokyo Food Art! Plus Musical Bento Boxes!

clam miso nectar

Bring On Tokyo’s Tastiest Food!

Tokyo is such a magical city: like the sky-high buildings and neon lights at night that make the Shinjuku district so mesmerizing…

But it’s also one of the most delicious cities I’ve ever gone to as well!

Here is a look at some of the great food we’ve eaten in Tokyo – all types of great bites and beautiful plates, with delicious and unique tastes like this:

Asakusa Bento Boxes Tokyo tourism

Tokyo’s Dinner And A Concert!

Alex read through Frommer’s Tokyo book and found a lot of great fun places to explore, including a restaurant that not only serves great food but puts on a show as well!

Asakusa temple

Asakusa’s Senso-ji Temple!

Our musical food adventure began in Asakusa, one of Tokyo’s most famous districts, due to the Senso-ji Temple, with an entrance that is one of the most photographed in the world!

Alex Duda John Riber Tokyo Senso-ji temple

The area around the temple is lined with great food and souvenir stalls, and of course we picked out a few fun things to bring back home:

JR at Asakusa Tokyo

Bento Boxes And Live Music!

Nestled among the stalls and the shrine are a number of restaurants, quick and easy food as well as sushi bars, shabbu shabbu and more – including one that Alex found that offers a bento box lunch – with live music!

Waentei-Kikko Tokyo

Welcome To Waentei-Kikko!

Waentei-Kikko is a great restaurant just around the corner form the temple, and it is run by a husband/wife duo. Husband Fukui Kodai and another Assistant/Food Server bring you a delicious bento box first, then have a great surprise for dessert:

Tokyo best bento boxes Asakusa
Bento box menu Tokyo
Asakusa Bento Boxes Tokyo tourism
bento box recipes tokyo music restaurant
Alex and her musical bento box

As you can see, the bento box you are served is packed with different flavors, like a steamed fish with a rich sauce, raw sashimi, pickled vegetables and of course rice and green tea – but the best part of the meal is when lights go on, and the Kodai and his Assistant come out on stage to perform!

Tokyo musical restaurant Asakusa

The duo tune up quickly and then play some beautiful japanese folk music on unique instruments!

Waentei-Kikko restaurant Tokyo

As you enjoy your green tea, they perform for about twenty minutes, a series of solo music and then duo performances – bravo to this husband/wife team and their terrific restaurant, a “must see” when you are in Asakusa!

Now, time to head to the Ginza district of Tokyo for a “crunchy” lunch!

Tempura shrimp

Ten-Ichi Tempura!

We also had a delicious tempura lunch at Ten-Ichi Tempura in the Sony building in Ginza…thanks to Merah Chung for pointing us here – Merah shared a lot of fun places to try – and we did!

Tokyo tempura chef

This location only seats fifteen people around a curved bar, and we went all in for a twelve course tempura tasting that culminated in sea urchin tempura! Here are some of the dishes we had:

fish tempura
okra tempura
Tempura shrimp
shrimp tempura ten-ichi tempura
Sea urchin tempura ten-ichi tempura
sea urchin tempura

I know that sea urchin is an acquired taste for some, but we love it!

At the end of the meal, you are presented with a bowl of miso soup, loaded with baby clams, and I got one of my favorite food pictures of the entire trip:

clam miso nectar

I made a series of Tokyo bar food bites as part of my “52 In 22” cooking challenge last year:

It was a unique mix of food to be sure – see what I made and how I made it by clicking on my story here:

Tokyo is a city where every meal is memorable…like these eel bowls – served on the top floor of a department store!

eel bowl

Most stores have restaurants on the top floors, serving all kinds of great food – you can see more of our eel adventure here:

And of course, nothing stay “good morning” better than breakfast sushi!

Tokyo breakfast sushi 2016 Tsukiji fish market closing

We loaded up with breakfast sushi at the legendary Tsukiji fish market, and you can see more of our adventure here:

I share all of these recipes on my food website “Bite! Eat! Repeat!” – it’s your site for all things food – if you like what you see, please click on my link and follow this blog as well!

If you like the story, share it with friends on social media! Thanks!

Categories: 52 In 22!, Alcohol And Bars, Bite Eat Swallow, Bite! Eat! Repeat!, Eat This!, Food, Food Pictures, Food Travel, Recipes, Restaurants, Travel, Wacky Food, World's Wildest Food

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7 replies

  1. Love the good food and music combos

  2. Wow, food and music..Love this post and would love to visit Tokyo but guess it’s going to be virtual tours not reality 🙂

  3. Hi John, the miso soup picture is one of those amazing and lucky shots that just turn out so well. A fabulous food adventure, as always.


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