34,000 Big Macs? This Guy Has The World Record For Eating Them! Double Big Macs Too!

Bite Down On A Big Mac With Don Gorske!

Meet the guy who hold the Guiness Book Of World Records – for eating Big Macs!

Not only that, Don has kept every single wrapper for them as well…and he’s still going strong!

As reported n The Guardian:

Don Gorske did not have many people betting on him to live into his 70s with his half-century-old habit of eating Big Mac hamburgers daily.

But cutting down his intake of the famous McDonald’s burgers to two a day (rather than his previous high of nine), skipping fries with his meals and walking six miles daily for exercise has not only helped him become a septuagenarian – it has also allowed him to extend his Guinness world record for most Big Macs eaten in a lifetime to more than 34,000.

“Many people thought I’d be dead by now,” the 70-year-old Gorske  said Thursday in an interview published by Guinness, which is known for maintaining a database of more than 40,000 world records. “But instead I’ve been … one of Guinness World Records’ longer-running record holders, so that’s pretty cool to me.”

OK, anyone reading this think this is a good idea? He is still going strong, and his wife supports his obsession, so “to each their own!”

What do you think? Leave a comment and let me know – oh, and you have also heard about this, right?

Have You Tried The “Double Big Mac?”

Yes, this is now available – a Big Mac with double the meat and cheese…are you buying it?

Here’s a quick peek at the Nutrition Summary · 780 Calories. ·48 grams Total Fat (62 % Daily Value)

Enjoy! Remember when I shared this homage to the Big Mac?

This “Big Mack Daddy” comes from Chicago – see more by clicking on my story here!

You can’t eat these too often, as they are indeed a “Big Mack Daddy!” But there is so much else to order as well. I have posted about “Big ‘n’ Little’s” before – remember the “Pork Belly Po’ Boy?”

pork belly po' boy
pork belly po 'boy

Yes, it is as good as it looks! Read all about that food adventure by clicking on my entire story here:

And yes, that story includes my look at their “Beer Battered Deep Fried Cheeseburger” too!

deep fried cheeseburger

Kudos to “Big & Little’s”, a great local spot to get your food on!

I loved exploring all of the local flavors of Chicago, like the classic “Cheezborger! Cheezborger!”

If you don’t know what a “Cheezborger” is, click on my story for the wild tale of Billy Goats Tavern and their “Saturday Night Live” connection!

Well now I’m on a burger roll so to speak, so let’s get dipping!

Yes, the cheese on this burger goes on the outside!

Click here to see how easy and fun this one is!

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Categories: Bite Eat Swallow, Bite! Eat! Repeat!, Burgers, Cheeseburgers, Fast Food, Food, Food Pictures, Food Porn, Recipes, Restaurants, Sliders, Wacky Food, World's Wildest Food

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5 replies

  1. Well – probably not the best approach

  2. I think Guinness should not promote such silly ‘world records’, and the man should not be proud of this one. But is is truly amazing that he is still fit and well, so perhaps medical experts should examine him to discover why that is?
    Best wishes, Pete.

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