Open A Door With A Slice Of Pizza? Wacky Pizza Keychains Are Here!

As regular readers know, I love SoraNews24 and this story is a reason why!

i also shared this:

Yes, you can dress as food too, like this tempura shrimp! Oh and what about this trend they uncovered?

Categories: Bite Eat Swallow, Bite! Eat! Repeat!, Books / Media, Food, Food Writing, Wacky Food, World's Wildest Food

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4 replies

  1. I’m all in on the costume and not sure about the chicken shake but I’d try it!

  2. No chicken shakes for me thanks. The pizza key-chain is quirky, but too large to be practical. 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

  3. I’m with , Pete on the chicken shakes but love the key chain and know a little person who would love them 🙂 So cool , John 🙂

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