“Hamburger America” Lands In New York City! George Motz Cooks Me His Iconic “Grilled Onion” Burger – Here’s My Review!

Hey everyone, I just shared this story at my main blog because it has some food and travel mixed – but this is a story I ned you all to see as well because Hamburger America has landed in New York!

George Motz is famous for his incredible “Hamburger America” book that looks at the great burgers int he US – and he just opened a restaurant in New York, where I got to have him cook for me! Naturally I had to try his legendary “Fried Onion” burger, and here’s how it all came together, first with George putting meatballs on the grill:

After arranging his burgers like pieces on a hot chessboard, George goes to work, adding seasoning and then freshly sliced onion – take a look:

After flipping the burgers, George adds BOTH buns to the top, the bottom bun resting on top of the top bun!

The final step is for George to take the burger off the grill, use his hand to flip the top bun underneath the burger, then step over and wrap it up!

Her’s a sneak peek at the process – you will see him pull a burger off the grill, slip the top bun underneath and then take it to the table and wrap it:

You saw the process of how it was all pulled together….now, here is what they put in front of you:

The grilled onions are underneath and mixed in the melted cheese and two patties of meat…now there’s nothing more to do than to take a bite…


The grilled onions have a smokiness from being cooked in the beef fat, and the cheese is deliciously melted, permeating every bite of the burger…the bun itself is a soft potato roll type, and is soaked up the juices and has a fresh flavor of its own.

By the way, I chose to get a double burger and forego the fries, which looked like fries so I’m sure they were tasty:

Because you are supposed to, I had a chocolate milk egg cream…which is essentially a chocolate milk soda. It’s a simple combination of whole milk, chocolate syrup, and seltzer – and it’s refreshing!

This is an excellent burger with a unique flavor…no lettuce, tomato or anything else, just a “grilled onion” burger that delivers!

I have been playing around more with videos, so here is an “ode to George Motz” and his Grilled Onion Burger…a music video with more pictures and clips to tell the entire story of the process…enjoy!

This cooking method reminded me a lot of the legendary White Manna Burger in Hackensack New Jersey…remember when I showed you this?

They also cook their burgers with the onions on the grill – but they purposefully keep their grill heat low to let them steam and sauté….and it works!

Check out the incredible result by clicking on my story here:

By the way, in their interview with Motz, EaterNY noted that he wants the decor to look as if it’s evolved, not the 1950’s “Johnny Rockets” version, but one that feels more like a diner, like Apple Pan in Los Angeles – where I’ve eaten!

The Apple Pan also has a counter to sit and watch them cook – but how was the burger?

Click here for my review!

Back in the big apple…some of you saw that I ate at one of the city’s most popular restaurants, where this is their signature dish:

Yes, this “Black Label” burger is something else!

Click here to find out why it has that name and just how good it was:

We also had a very memorable gospel choir brunch thanks to Chef Marcus Samuelsson’s terrific “Red Rooster” restaurant in Harlem..here’s a listen:

You can see what we ate and some more great performance as well by clicking on my story here:

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Categories: Bite Eat Swallow, Bite! Eat! Repeat!, Books / Media, Burgers, Cheeseburgers, Chef memoirs, Cookbooks, Eat This!, Fast Food, Food, Food Pictures, Food Porn, Food Travel, Recipes, Restaurants, Sliders, Wacky Food, World's Wildest Food

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  1. Tackling A Massive “J.G. Melon” Bacon Cheeseburger! Is It New York’s Best Burger? Here’s My Review! – Bite! Eat! Repeat!
  2. Celebrating National Burger Day With Some “Secret Olive Sauce” On Your Burger! “Hamburger America” Strikes Again! – Bite! Eat! Repeat!
  3. Would You Eat A “Gas Station” Smashburger? I Bite Into New York’s “Smacking Burger!” Fill ‘er Up! – Bite! Eat! Repeat!

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