White Castle’s Delicious “Thanksgiving Slider Stuffing!” Greatest Thanksgiving Stuffing Recipe EVER!

bacon wrapped turkey recipe

Celebrate Thanksgiving With A Bacon-Wrapped Turkey!

Yes, this Thanksgiving I will be taking my turkey to a new level, thanks to bacon! I will share the recipe at the end of this post, but what is even better than this Turkey is what I will be serving alongside it:

white castle turkey stuffing

White Castle Slider Stuffing!


This is a delicious recipe – and an award-winning recipe as well!


Here is the recipe card that White Castle provides – it is so easy and so good!

White Castle Turkey stuffing recipe

This recipe won an award for White Castle – and from the restaurant chain as well – because it takes all of the best things you want in a stuffing – and give it a “White Castle” shine!

best thanksgiving stuffing recipes

The recipe is easy: you begin by dicing up celery, and I add more onion and garlic as well…youj can add carrots and any other vegetables that you like, but the key is to take the pickles off your White Castle burgers, then chop them up and salute them – and yes, I use Cheeseburger sliders!


You can buy them frozen, and just defrost and chop away! Then add the herbs listed, and bake it…it really taste great! Give it a try, and from now on, your Thanksgiving cooking will always look like this!

best stuffing recipes

Thanksgiving should always include one new menu item: one year we did Oyster stuffing, and one year we served a shave Brussel Sprouts salad…always making the Thanksgiving table look a bit different….

Oh, and there is NO better way to make a turkey than this one:

bacon wrapped turkey recipe

The Bacon-Wrapped Turkey!

Yes, this is my favorite way to make a Turkey: and you can maple glaze it as well to give it an even more delicious glaze…

bacon wrapped turkey recipe

You can read all about my favorite Thanksgiving turkey AND dressing by clicking here:

If you have a sweet tooth, why not try Thanksgiving this way:

Yes it’s real and I tried them!

An entire Turkey dinner of candy corn!

Click here to see my taste test!

I promise you I am making this again – it is delicious!

white-castle-turkey-stuffing recipe

White Castle Rules!

And of course, White Castle sliders are little bites of delicious any time of year…and any time of the day!

White Castle Sliders

Yes, this is a homemade White Castle breakfast slider…and I love them – 360 calories of fun! You can get this breakfast slider recipe by clicking here:

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Leave me a comment and if you like these pictures, please share on social media! Thanks!

Let me know if you make the stuffing!

Categories: Bite Eat Swallow, Bite! Eat! Repeat!, Burgers, Cheeseburgers, Cookbooks, Eat This!, Food, Food Pictures, Food Porn, Recipes, Restaurants, Sliders, Wacky Food, World's Wildest Food

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5 replies

  1. This is a terrific recipe, John. And bacon enrobed turkey will be over the top delicious.


  1. White Castle’s Delicious “Thanksgiving Slider Stuffing!” Greatest Thanksgiving Stuffing Recipe EVER! – johnrieber

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